"You are a light. You are the light. Never let anyone -- any person or any force -- dampen or diminish your light. Study the path of others to make your way easier and more abundant." ~John Lewis, U.S. Congressman and civil rights activist
Academic and Career Resources
The goal of the RISE Scholars program is to support low-income and first generation students through comprehensive and collaborative academic and social supports. This program is for incoming Parkland students.
TRiO Student Support Services at Parkland College promotes equal opportunity to succeed by providing high-quality and responsive support services for first-generation college students, low-income students, and students with disabilities.
Parkland College's Support for Workforce Training (SWFT) program helps in-district residents move into high-demand careers with family-sustaining wages within a year or less. SWFT was founded with the support of the Illinois Workforce Equity Initiative grant.
Whether you are a student choosing a college major or you are a dislocated worker, career changer, or retiree, we have career resources and services designed to assist you.
Engagement and Mental Health Resources
Student Life maintains a list of student organizations that are currently active, as well as ones that have existed in the past but have become inactive. If you do not find one that meets your interests, contact Student Life for information on starting a new one.