Black and African American Student Resources

"You are a light. You are the light. Never let anyone -- any person or any force -- dampen or diminish your light. Study the path of others to make your way easier and more abundant."  ~John Lewis, U.S. Congressman and civil rights activist

Academic and Career Resources


The goal of the RISE Scholars program is to support low-income and first generation students through comprehensive and collaborative academic and social supports. This program is for incoming Parkland students.


TRiO Student Support Services at Parkland College promotes equal opportunity to succeed by providing high-quality and responsive support services for first-generation college students, low-income students, and students with disabilities.

Support for Workforce Training (SWFT)

Parkland College's Support for Workforce Training (SWFT) program helps in-district residents move into high-demand careers with family-sustaining wages within a year or less. SWFT was founded with the support of the Illinois Workforce Equity Initiative grant.

Career Services

Whether you are a student choosing a college major or you are a dislocated worker, career changer, or retiree, we have career resources and services designed to assist you.


Engagement and Mental Health Resources

Student Organizations

Student Life maintains a list of student organizations that are currently active, as well as ones that have existed in the past but have become inactive. If you do not find one that meets your interests, contact Student Life for information on starting a new one.

Black Student Association

This club serves to provide students with a community, a safe space, and the opportunity to create change, while empowering, teaching, discussing, and exploring the Black experience. BSA serves as a liaison between students of African descent and the administration and the campus population.

Advisors: Ashanti Lumpkin (; Marietta Turner (

President: Lauren Mobo (

Treasurer: Emanuel Peralta (

Meeting: Tuesdays @ 2 pm in U111

Center for Community Engagement

The Center for Community Engagement supports and promotes the active engagement of the College’s students, faculty, and staff in partnership with the communities of Illinois Community College District 505. Many volunteer opportunities are available.

Counseling Support Center

Our Counseling Support Center offers counseling services, workshops, peer mentoring, and more.


Parkland is part of TalkCampus, an anonymous mental health peer support network, available to you 24/7. The TalkCampus platform combines intuitive design, clinical excellence, world-class technology and global support to over 250 institutions and millions of students worldwide. Available in 26 languages.

Parkland Events

Black History Month

Each year Parkland College celebrates the historical achievements of African Americans with a month-long series of events including faculty lectures, student presentations, and a popular soul food luncheon. The public is invited to participate.

Community Resources

Community Resources

Annual Countywide Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration

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Each year, the cities of Champaign and Urbana come together with Champaign County, the Village of Rantoul, Parkland College, and the University of Illinois to host a countywide celebration honoring the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Champaign County Community Coalition

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Parkland College is a member of the Champaign County Community Coalition, which was created with the vision to provide a network of organizations and stakeholders that improve the lives of youth and their families resulting in youth who are empowered and safe, to promote effective law enforcement and positive police-community relations, and to support greater knowledge/use of the resources available.

NAACP Champaign County


The NAACP Champaign County Branch serves the people of Champaign County. Our primary focus is to provide programs and services that promote and enhance civil and equal rights, political empowerment, educational excellence, economic development, and outreach, i.e. health, youth, etc. The Champaign County Branch strives to ensure equal access to all rights, privileges and resources that contribute to the quality of life for the people it serves. The strength of our branch lies with the history of the organization and its membership. The Champaign County Branch is committed to building an organization that is trusted, respected, and considered an effective resource for the Champaign County community. The overall goal of the branch is to improve the quality of life for the people it serves.

Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center, University of Illinois

The Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center provides a network of programs and support services promoting the individual, social, cultural and academic well-being of Illinois' African American students.   

National Resources

National Resources

National Black Student Alliance

The National Black Student Alliance


 serves to provide students a community, brave space, and the opportunity to create change. They are working towards a future of diversity, equity and inclusion in education.

Black Student Leadership Network


The Black Student Leadership Network is a dynamic program of the Children's Defense Fund, designed to nurture the next generation of Black servant leaders. It provides financial support, training resources, and community engagement/building opportunities to college-aged organizers, equipping them to become advocates for justice, equity, opportunity, and well-being on their campuses and in their local communities.

Mental Health Resources for Marginalized Communities

webpage detailing general resources from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, including resources specific to the Black community.

Black Mental Health Alliance

BMHA-Logo.png The mission of the Black Mental Health Alliance is to develop, promote and sponsor trusted culturally-relevant educational forums, trainings and referral services that support the health and well-being of Black people and their communities.