Clubs and Organizations

With nearly 20 active student organizations to choose from, there is something for everyone at Parkland College. Joining a student club lets you make new friends, serve your community, plan events, explore your interests, expand your talents, and build an impressive résumé of civic involvement. 

For information on how to join an organization, restart an inactive organization, or start a new one altogether, contact Student Life at or 217/351-3492.

Student Organization Manual

Everything you need to know to run a successful student organization.

Active Student Organizations

Interested in joining any of the organizations below? Send a message to the advisors or officers for more information!

All registered Parkland students are welcome to attend and join Parkland College clubs and organizations. Please note that some clubs and organizations may be academic program related or have grade point average criteria.

Ag Club (Phi Alpha Chi)

This organization supports and promotes the interests of the Agricultural programs at Parkland College, including recruitment and retention.

Alpha Phi Omega

Alpha Phi Omega is Parkland's premier volunteer organization. APO is a gender-inclusive international organization, founded in 1925 based on the ideals of the Scouting movement with the cardinal principles of Leadership, Friendship, and Service. We develop leaders through planning, promoting, and executing service projects on campus and in the community.

Advisors: W. Jason Strutz (; Brian Nudelman (

Meeting: Thursday @ 3pm, U111 (Time and Day subject to change)

Art & Design Club

The purpose of the Art and Design Club is to enhance, enrich and foster members’ exposure to art and creativity through various extra-curricular events including artist’ talks, trips to art exhibitions, technical demonstrations and workshops, professional development opportunities, and hosting visiting artists. The student-run organization is dedicated to supporting and promoting artistic development and a sense of community within the Art and Design program and Parkland College.

Advisors: Denise Seif ( and Lisa Costello (

Astronomy Club

The club offers an opportunity for the Parkland community to share our love of the universe through stargazing, looking at the Sun, the Moon, or planets, or using the planetarium.

Advisors: Erik Johnson (

President: TBD

Treasurer: TBD

Meeting: Biweekly on Thursdays @ 12 pm in Staerkel Planetarium

Black Student Association

This club serves to provide students with a community, a safe space, and the opportunity to create change, while empowering, teaching, discussing, and exploring the Black experience. BSA serves as a liaison between students of African descent and the administration and the campus population.

Advisors: Ashanti Lumpkin (; Marietta Turner (

President: Lauren Mobo (

Treasurer: Emanuel Peralta (

Meeting: Tuesdays @ 2 pm in U111

Club Latino

At Club Latino we work to create a community and celebrate Latinx culture for students at Parkland. Come by to meet new people, get involved in the community, or make study groups! We are here to support you being a successful student, please reach out if we can help you find or use resources!

Advisors: Charles Larenas ( ad Jessica Alvarez (

President: Anahi Villa Cambron

Treasurer: Thalia Gonzalez  

Meeting: Thursdays @ 12 pm in D203

Cobra Investment Society

The Cobra Investment Society is a student organization dedicated to learning about the stock market, private equity, and real estate. Our meetings consist of investment analysis, stock market discussions, and exploration of macroeconomic trends. Occasionally, we will have guest speakers working in the investment industry to share their experiences and advice. Ultimately, our goal is to cultivate the next generation of investors.

Engineering Club

The Engineering Club looks to foster interest in the excitement of design and creation by providing an environment for members to explore, collaborate, and experiment with hands-on projects in diverse engineering fields.

Advisors: Jeremy Jang ( and Robert Chamberlain (

Meeting: Tuesdays @ 2pm in M124

International Students Association

The International Students Association is designed to promote social and friendship opportunities to the international student community at Parkland College. ISA has weekly meetings and possibly some cultural performances. All students are welcome to come have fun with us!

Advisors: Amber Landis (

President: Anggana Yudono (

Treasurer: Vahagn Chiflikyan (

Meeting: Thursdays @ 12 pm in X148

Japanese Culture Club

The Japanese Culture Club provides opportunities for Parkland students who are interested in Japanese culture to have fun learning about Japanese art forms, history, language, food, and more.

Advisors: Travis Sola (

Meeting: Thursdays @ 12 pm in D105

Muslim Student Association

Connect with other Muslim Parkland students.

Parkland Board Gamers

The Parkland Board Gamers gather together to learn, teach and play board games and RPGs with other students that love gaming. The game group often cooperates with other student organizations to provide games and activities for their meetings.

Advisors:  Deane Geiken (; Kennedy Potempa (

Meetings: 9/23 2-4pm.D wing lounge, 10-7 12-2pm D026, 10/21 2-4pm D Wing lounge, 11/4 12-2pm D026, 11/18 2-4pm D wing Lounge, 12/22-4pm D Wing lounge

Parkland College Aspiring Educators (PCAE)

The parkland college aspiring educators club aims to help current college students in pursuing a career in education. By having guest speakers, conferences, and experienced guests, members will learn about the experience of becoming an educator.

Advisors: Charles Larenas (

Meeting: Thursdays @ 12:30 pm D203

Parkland Motorsports

The Parkland Motorsports Club provides activities that enhance learning, develops team work and leadership skills, and provides networking opportunities for students in the Parkland Automotive program. The club offers opportunities for students to learn beyond the classroom and take pride in their program and school.

Parkland PRIDE!

Parkland Pride is a student group that encourages collaboration, community, and awareness regarding the spectrum of sexual and gender identities and embraces membership from all students. Meetings are primarily opportunities for students to socialize and discuss various LGBTQ+ topics, but occasionally the group will host special events on campus or take trips to relevant student conferences/events.

Advisors: Tanino Minneci (; Somphon Penland (; Thomas Peisker (

Meeting: Fridays @ 1 pm in U106

Parkland Scholars

Parkland Scholars encourages academic excellence, creative expression, and respect for all individuals.

Advisors: Marsh Jones (

Meetings: Leadership Meetings are Wednesdays (not all) at 2:30 PM in the AMSS D Wing commons. Parkland Scholars Open House and Orientation is Wednesday, September 25, 12:30-1:30 in D187. Race Talks Discussions are Thu, Sept 19 in U140, Wed, Oct 9 in the Parkland Cafeteria and Thu, Nov 7 in D244. All Race Talks are from 12-12:50PM.

Parkland Science Club

The Parkland Science Club aims to bring students together to explore and discuss many different disciplines of science. We have hands-on activities, study groups, and guest speakers that discuss topics such as research and science careers. Everyone is welcome-you do not need to be a science major to join!

Advisors: Chelsea Lloyd (

Meeting: Fridays @ 1 pm in L239

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa is the official general honor society of two-year colleges. Membership provides access to many exclusive scholarship opportunities, online programs for personal and professional development, and much more. Phi Theta Kappa membership is designated on Parkland transcripts and members wear the gold honors stole at commencement. Our award-winning chapter is actively engaged on campus and provides many opportunities for participation, however participation is never required.

To join, students must have completed at least 12 hours of college-level coursework and have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.50

Advisors: Lori Garrett (

Meeting: Wednesdays at 3pm in L216

Psi Beta

Psi Beta is the Parkland College Chapter of the Community College National Honors Society in Psychology. We aim to help students achieve excellence in four areas: Scholarship, Leadership, Research, and Community Service. To join, students must have completed at least 12 hours of college-level coursework, a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25, and an A or B in a college-level psychology course.

Advisors: Sarah Grison (

Meeting: Please click here to access our student-created calendar, which lists all meetings and activities.

Psychology Club

The goals of Psychology Club are as follows:

1. To provide students with opportunities to learn about topics in psychology and the field as a whole.
2. To support students in learning how to use information from psychology to succeed in college, their personal lives, and their work or future careers.
3. To facilitate students learning about and applying for opportunities related to psychology, including honors opportunities, research opportunities, volunteer opportunities, internships, and transfer to 4-year programs.
4. To benefit the campus and community through development of psychology-related programs, volunteering, and services.
5. To provide co-curricular opportunities for students interested in psychology to enhance their skills with regards to the Parkland College General Learning Outcomes of: Critical Thinking & Information Literacy and Global Awareness & Ethical Reasoning.
6. To aid students in developing skills in the areas of research, leadership, communication, and ethical and equitable treatment of all people.
7. To provide opportunities for students to engage with each other and with faculty outside the classroom.

Advisors: Sarah Grison (

President: Hannah Moore (

Treasurer: Kirk Love (

Meeting: Our meeting days/times vary based on student needs as shown through surveys such as Doodle polls. We have a monthly gathering and students lead several activities, workshops, and social events each month. Please click here to access our student-created calendar, which lists all meetings and activities.

Rad Tech Club

Club to support current rad tech students through peer mentorship, service projects and fundraising for our special activities.

*Must be a Rad Tech student to join

Advisors : Kerry Janesky (

Meeting: Every third Monday of each month @ 8:30 am in L158

Student American Dental Hygienists Association (SADHA)

SADHA is the studentcomponent of the American Dental Hygienists' Association. Our goal is toinstill the importance of representing this profession post graduation. We work to promote longevity inthe profession through professional support.

*Must be a dental hygiene student to join

Advisors: Kristen Wall (; Jammie Brooks (

Meeting: Wednesdays @ 12 pm in L111

Student Nursing Association (SNAP)

SNAP is a student-run organization that focuses on connecting all levels of Parkland nursing students with each other, faculty, and the community. SNAP officers meet monthly to plan campus activities and to discuss the needs of the nursing students.

Advisors: Chin-Yin Chou (

Meeting: L111- 09/04, 10/16, 11/06, 12/04 from 4-5pm.

Student Veterans Association at Parkland (SVAP)

The Student Veterans Association is a place for veterans to socialize with other veterans, provide awareness to veterans issues, and community service.

Advisors: Kristina Taylor (

President: Joshua Stone (

Treasurer: Jacob Olson (

Meeting: First Tuesday of each month @ 1 pm in the Veterans Resource Center

Veterinary Technology Club

The vet tech club brings both 1st and 2nd year tech students together with group activities, donation drives for the community and volunteering in the community.

*Must be in the Vet Tech Program to join

Advisors: Megan Johnson (