Parkland College
life's what you make it.
make it Parkland.
write your next chapter
right here.
start where you are.
do what you can.
break out of your
comfort zone.
Register for Spring
Classes begin January 13
Flaw: Embracing Chance in a World Seeking Perfection
November 18 – February 8
Prospective Student Day
December 6
White Christmas
December 5–15
endless opportunities, expertise you trust
Parkland Community Education
Give back, make a difference
Parkland College Foundation

Parkland College



Campus Closure - Inclement Weather

No classes, events 2 pm Feb. 15 through Feb. 16

Parkland Pathway to Illinois Virtual Open House, Feb. 23

Prospective students and parents invited to free online event

Giertz Gallery Hosts Art and Design Faculty Virtual Lecture Series

Parkland College Art and Design Faculty Lecture Series

Parkland College Submits Bid for $7.5M Manufacturing Training Center

Parkland Submits Bid for Advanced Manufacturing Training Academy
