Parkland College
put in hard work,
bring out success.
your career's calling.
answer it.
parkland training for
one job, better pay.
many have begun
great futures here.
Prospective Student Day
October 4
Experiencing Veterans and Artists Collaboration Print Project
October 7 – November 14
12 Angry Jurors
October 3–13
Planetarium Shows
Every Friday and Saturday
endless opportunities, expertise you trust
Parkland Community Education
Give back, make a difference
Parkland College Foundation

Parkland College



Parkland College Students Earn Spring Flight Credentials

 Aviation Students Earn Spring 2022 Credentials 

Parkland Student Newspaper the Prospectus Wins ICCJA Awards

 The Prospectus student newspaper snags 11 journalism awards

"Beneath a Summer Sky: Watercolors by Carol Carter" at Parkland Gallery

Watercolor exhibit and special workshop at Giertz Gallery

Parkland Board Honors Late Trustee Timothy Johnson

Board of Trustees General Meeting, May 18

