Parkland College
put in hard work,
bring out success.
your career's calling.
answer it.
parkland training for
one job, better pay.
many have begun
great futures here.
Prospective Student Day
October 4
2024 Art and Design Faculty Exhibition
August 19 – September 28
12 Angry Jurors
October 3–13
Planetarium Shows
Every Friday and Saturday
endless opportunities, expertise you trust
Parkland Community Education
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Parkland College Foundation

Parkland College



Degree Completion Day Set for Oct. 3

Get advice, info on finishing your degree or certificate

National Surgical Technology Week Observed

Students to participate in mock operating room, practicing basic surg tech skills

Alum-Designed Memorial for Missing UI Scholar Underway

Garden dedicated to Yingying Zhang now under construction

Four-year Colleges to Visit Campus

Transferring? Check out options for advanced degrees

