Parkland College
put in hard work,
bring out success.
your career's calling.
answer it.
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one job, better pay.
many have begun
great futures here.
Prospective Student Day
October 4
2024 Art and Design Faculty Exhibition
August 19 – September 28
12 Angry Jurors
October 3–13
Planetarium Shows
Every Friday and Saturday
endless opportunities, expertise you trust
Parkland Community Education
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Parkland College Foundation

Parkland College



Parkland Guitar Ensemble Concert Dec. 5

Free concert of holiday selections in guitar

Classic Radio Dramas on WPCD Nov. 21

Hear COM student-edited, -produced dramas from radio's Golden Age 

Trustees Approve 2018 Tax Levy, Project Drop in Tax Rate

Levy increased to capture revenue from increasing property values

Survivors of Suicide Loss Day Event this Saturday

Program includes free film viewing, counselor panel discussion; more

