NACE Career readiness competencies

Career Services has packaged a series of LinkedIn Learning modules aligned with the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Career Readiness Competencies to encourage students to be career-ready.

Career readiness serves as the foundation for showcasing essential core competencies that equip students for success in the workplace and ongoing career development throughout their lives.

NACE Career Readiness Competencies include the following:

●    Career & Self-Development
●    Communication
●    Critical Thinking
●    Equity & Inclusion
●    Leadership
●    Professionalism
●    Teamwork
●    Technology

Career Services LinkedIn Learning Path

LinkedIn Learning is an online learning platform that offers on-demand video courses to help users develop skills and is free to students and staff at Parkland College. 

While the focus for the month is on career readiness through LinkedIn Learning, Career Services offers a wide range of services to elevate students in their academic achievements and career aspirations.

●    Career & Self-Development: Planning Your Career and Your Life
●    Communication: Communication Foundations
●    Critical Thinking: Developing a Critical Thinking Mindset
●    Equity & Inclusion: Individual Accountability for Equity and Inclusion
●    Leadership: Top 10 Rules for Highly Effective Leadership
●    Professionalism: Business Etiquette for the Modern Workplace
●    Teamwork: Teamwork Foundations
●    Technology: Working with Computers and Devices

For more information, visit or email