Appointment Scheduling

Meeting with an Academic Success Advisor

Academic advising is most effective when students and advisors have time to set goals and work together to plan for success. Therefore, we encourage students to plan ahead and schedule advising appointments, which are typically available in all but the busiest registration times.

There are several student populations that need to meet with faculty or staff advisors outside of this office. These groups include:

  • All student athletes need to meet with the Athletics Advisor, John Bowler. Schedule an appointment with John Bowler.
  • Students who have been admitted to selective Health Professions programs will meet with their program director. 
  • Students who are in certain Career and Technical programs will meet with their program director for Advising. See the "I Know My Major" menu for more information.
  • Non-degree seeking, Early College, and UIUC Concurrent students can work with the Admissions Office for their registration needs. Contact the Admissions office at or by phone at 217-351-2482

Walk-In Wednesday

Can't wait for an appointment? Advisors are typically available for walk-in meetings on Wednesdays between 9 am – 4 pm, though hours and availability are subject to change. Walk-ins are extremely limited from 12-1pm. Walk-ins are first-come, first-served, and may be subject to wait times. If you are not able to come in-person, please call Academic Advising at 217/351-2219 to inquire about a virtual option.

Upcoming Wednesdays with Reduced Walk-in Availability:

Wednesday, April 23 - Normal hours, however, the majority of our advisors will be away at a conference so expect increased wait times. 

New Parkland Students New to Parkland? Read this first!

If you are a new degree-seeking student at Parkland, you must complete the admissions process before scheduling your first advising appointment. Review the New Student Checklist to make sure you are ready. Two steps on the Checklist that MUST be completed prior to your advising appointment are placement tests and orientation.

  • Placements (or transfer credits) determine the level of classes you are eligible to take for reading, English, and math. Before making an academic advising appointment, please confirm with the Assessment Center that your placements are in place for reading, writing, and math. You can reach the Assessment Center at 217/351-2432 or

  • New student orientation is convenient and quick. It can be completed online in about 45 minutes. At the end of orientation you will be directed to links to schedule your new student advising appointment.

If your placements are complete, please see the information below to assist you in making an advising appointment. You must have placements in place before you can complete advising and registration. Your advising appointment may be canceled if placements are not complete. 

You will need to know your Parkland ID number when you schedule your appointment. Find it on you Parkland acceptance letter, or go to and click your username to view your user profile.

Once you are ready to schedule, select your program of study in the I know my major section below.

Know Your Major!
You should always meet with an advisor who specializes in your program of study. If you don't know your program, follow these steps to look it up: 
  1. Log into Parkland Self-Service
  2. Click on Student Planning
  3. Click on tile #1 - Go to My Progress

Your program of study will be listed in the "At a Glance" profile. If you already have an advisor assigned to you, their name will be listed here as well. Use this information to identify which academic area of interest (AOI) your program fits into. Not sure what Area of Interest (AOI) your major or program falls under? Choose a major or academic area that most closely matches your academic goals in order to be paired with the appropriate advisor.

Can’t decide on your major or career goals?

PathwayU image-2.png

PathwayU is a FREE career assessment that you can use to:
  • discover your career path,
  • think about what is important to you,
  • explore careers that match your unique interests and skills, &
  • learn what type of work environment that will foster your success.

Click the image above to get started! Use your Parkland email address to create an account.

To review your results, schedule an appointment with Brennon Hightower, career counselor.

Current Parkland Students Already a Parkland student? Make sure you know who your advisor is.

If you are an active Parkland student enrolled for the current semester, you have a designated academic success advisor assigned to you! Make sure to stay in regular contact with your advisor and meet with them as needed to plan for registration, graduation, and more. To look up your designated advisor follow these steps:

  • Log into Self Service and select Student Planning
  • Click on Plan & Schedule
  • Click on the Advising tab. Your Academic Advisor will be listed. If you do not see an advisor listed, that means you do not have one assigned and should book an appointment from the "I Know My Major" menu. 
    • Entering a note on the Advising tab does not reach an Academic Advisor. If you want to email your Advisor, click the envelope icon. 

Need help? Contact our office for assistance.

Once you know who your advisor is, continue to the I Know my Advisor section to select your advisor and schedule your appointment.

I Know My Major

New and continuing students: use the menu below to identify your major or academic area of study.

3D Computer Animation

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Molly Murphy and Tanino Minneci advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

AG Retail Ops Certificate

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Students in this program are typically advised by faculty program directors in the CTE department. Contact the person listed for your program of interest:

Continuing students in this major should work with their faculty program director for next semester registration.


This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Administrative Assistant

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Advanced Applicator Technician

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Students in this program are typically advised by faculty program directors in the CTE department. Contact the person listed for your program of interest:

Continuing students in this major should work with their faculty program director for next semester registration.

Agricultural Business Management

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest, specifically Agriculture/Horticulture and Aviation majors. Myriah Benner-Coogan advises for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Agriculture (transfer)

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest, specifically Agriculture/Horticulture and Aviation majors. Myriah Benner-Coogan advises for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Applicator Technician

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Students in this program are typically advised by faculty program directors in the CTE department. Contact the person listed for your program of interest:

Continuing students in this major should work with their faculty program director for next semester registration.

Art & Design

This program is part of the Fine and Applied Arts advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Continuing Students should reach out to the appropriate Faculty Advisor for degree-specific information and assistance - a list of all Faculty Advisors is below. Email the Faculty Advisor directly to schedule an academic advising appointment.

Faculty Advisors:

Art & Design – Denise Seif, Matthew Watt, and Josh Schutz

    • Art & Design (AFA)
    • Art Education (AFA)

Communication (AA) – Kendra McClure and Julie Weishar

Communication (AAS and CER) – Adam Porter

    • Broadcast Technology (AAS)
    • Media Arts & Production (AAS)
    • Media Production (CER)

Music – Julie Weishar and Isabel Scarborough

    • Music Education (AFA)
    • Music Foundations (AA)
    • Music Performance (AFA)

Photography (AAS) – Peg Shaw

Theatre – Brian Morgan

    • Theatre Arts (AA)
    • Entertainment Technology (AAS and CER)

Art Education

This program is part of the Fine and Applied Arts advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Continuing Students should reach out to the appropriate Faculty Advisor for degree-specific information and assistance - a list of all Faculty Advisors is below. Email the Faculty Advisor directly to schedule an academic advising appointment.

Faculty Advisors:

Art & Design – Denise Seif, Matthew Watt, and Josh Schutz

    • Art & Design (AFA)
    • Art Education (AFA)

Communication (AA) – Kendra McClure and Julie Weishar

Communication (AAS and CER) – Adam Porter

    • Broadcast Technology (AAS)
    • Media Arts & Production (AAS)
    • Media Production (CER)

Music – Julie Weishar and Isabel Scarborough

    • Music Education (AFA)
    • Music Foundations (AA)
    • Music Performance (AFA)

Photography (AAS) – Peg Shaw

Theatre – Brian Morgan

    • Theatre Arts (AA)
    • Entertainment Technology (AAS and CER)


This program is part of the Science, Engineering, and Mathematics advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Athletic Training

This program is part of the Science, Engineering, and Mathematics advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Auto Ford Asset Program

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Students in this program are typically advised by faculty program directors in the CTE department. Contact the person listed for your program of interest:

Continuing students in this major should work with their faculty program director for next semester registration.

Auto Maintenance & Light Repair

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Molly Murphy and Tanino Minneci advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Molly Murphy and Tanino Minneci advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest, specifically Aviation majors. Steve Wilson and Myriah Benner-Coogan advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Biological Sciences

This program is part of the Science, Engineering, and Mathematics advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Bookkeeping Office Assistant

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Broadcast Technology

This program is part of the Fine and Applied Arts advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Continuing Students should reach out to the appropriate Faculty Advisor for degree-specific information and assistance - a list of all Faculty Advisors is below. Email the Faculty Advisor directly to schedule an academic advising appointment.

Faculty Advisors:

Art & Design – Denise Seif, Matthew Watt, and Josh Schutz

    • Art & Design (AFA)
    • Art Education (AFA)

Communication (AA) – Kendra McClure and Julie Weishar

Communication (AAS and CER) – Adam Porter

    • Broadcast Technology (AAS)
    • Media Arts & Production (AAS)
    • Media Production (CER)

Music – Julie Weishar and Isabel Scarborough

    • Music Education (AFA)
    • Music Foundations (AA)
    • Music Performance (AFA)

Photography (AAS) – Peg Shaw

Theatre – Brian Morgan

    • Theatre Arts (AA)
    • Entertainment Technology (AAS and CER)

Building Construction & Repair

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Molly Murphy and Tanino Minneci advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Business Administration (transfer)

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Business Administrative Technology

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Business Management

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Business Marketing

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

CISCO Networking

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Carpenters Certificate

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Students in this program are typically advised by faculty program directors in the CTE department. Contact the person listed for your program of interest:

Continuing students in this major should work with their faculty program director for next semester registration.

Case New Holland Service Technician

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Students in this program are typically advised by faculty program directors in the CTE department. Contact the person listed for your program of interest:

Continuing students in this major should work with their faculty program director for next semester registration.


This program is part of the Science, Engineering, and Mathematics advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Commercial Pilot

Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest, specifically Aviation majors. Steve Wilson and Myriah Benner-Coogan advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the Fine and Applied Arts advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Continuing Students should reach out to the appropriate Faculty Advisor for degree-specific information and assistance - a list of all Faculty Advisors is below. Email the Faculty Advisor directly to schedule an academic advising appointment.

Faculty Advisors:

Art & Design – Denise Seif, Matthew Watt, and Josh Schutz

    • Art & Design (AFA)
    • Art Education (AFA)

Communication (AA) – Kendra McClure and Julie Weishar

Communication (AAS and CER) – Adam Porter

    • Broadcast Technology (AAS)
    • Media Arts & Production (AAS)
    • Media Production (CER)

Music – Julie Weishar and Isabel Scarborough

    • Music Education (AFA)
    • Music Foundations (AA)
    • Music Performance (AFA)

Photography (AAS) – Peg Shaw

Theatre – Brian Morgan

    • Theatre Arts (AA)
    • Entertainment Technology (AAS and CER)

Computer Information Systems

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Computer Programming

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Computer Science

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Computer Support

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Computer-Aided Drafting

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Molly Murphy and Tanino Minneci advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Construction Management

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Molly Murphy and Tanino Minneci advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Criminal Justice

This program is part of the Humanities and Social Sciences advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Customer Service

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Data Systems & Development

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Dental Hygiene

This program is part of the pre-Health Professions advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

If you have recently been admitted to a selective admissions health professions program at Parkland, please work with the health professions department for registration assistance.

Diesel Power Equipment Technology

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Students in this program are typically advised by faculty program directors in the CTE department. Contact the person listed for your program of interest:

Continuing students in this major should work with their faculty program director for next semester registration.

Digital Media

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest, specifically Aviation majors. Steve Wilson and Myriah Benner-Coogan advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

EMT/Emergency Medical Technician

This program is part of the pre-Health Professions advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

If you have recently been admitted to a selective admissions health professions program at Parkland, please work with the health professions department for registration assistance.

Early Childhood Education

This program is part of the Humanities and Social Sciences advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Molly Murphy and Tanino Minneci advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Electronic Control Systems Technology

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Molly Murphy and Tanino Minneci advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Elementary Education

This program is part of the Humanities and Social Sciences advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the Science, Engineering, and Mathematics advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

English (Literature)

This program is part of the Humanities and Social Sciences advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Entertainment Technology

This program is part of the Fine and Applied Arts advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Continuing Students should reach out to the appropriate Faculty Advisor for degree-specific information and assistance - a list of all Faculty Advisors is below. Email the Faculty Advisor directly to schedule an academic advising appointment.

Faculty Advisors:

Art & Design – Denise Seif, Matthew Watt, and Josh Schutz

    • Art & Design (AFA)
    • Art Education (AFA)

Communication (AA) – Kendra McClure and Julie Weishar

Communication (AAS and CER) – Adam Porter

    • Broadcast Technology (AAS)
    • Media Arts & Production (AAS)
    • Media Production (CER)

Music – Julie Weishar and Isabel Scarborough

    • Music Education (AFA)
    • Music Foundations (AA)
    • Music Performance (AFA)

Photography (AAS) – Peg Shaw

Theatre – Brian Morgan

    • Theatre Arts (AA)
    • Entertainment Technology (AAS and CER)


This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Exercise Physiology

This program is part of the Science, Engineering, and Mathematics advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the Fine and Applied Arts advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Continuing Students should reach out to the appropriate Faculty Advisor for degree-specific information and assistance - a list of all Faculty Advisors is below. Email the Faculty Advisor directly to schedule an academic advising appointment.

Faculty Advisors:

Art & Design – Denise Seif, Matthew Watt, and Josh Schutz

    • Art & Design (AFA)
    • Art Education (AFA)

Communication (AA) – Kendra McClure and Julie Weishar

Communication (AAS and CER) – Adam Porter

    • Broadcast Technology (AAS)
    • Media Arts & Production (AAS)
    • Media Production (CER)

Music – Julie Weishar and Isabel Scarborough

    • Music Education (AFA)
    • Music Foundations (AA)
    • Music Performance (AFA)

Photography (AAS) – Peg Shaw

Theatre – Brian Morgan

    • Theatre Arts (AA)
    • Entertainment Technology (AAS and CER)


This program is part of the pre-Health Professions advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

If you have recently been admitted to a selective admissions health professions program at Parkland, please work with the health professions department for registration assistance.

Gen Eds

This program is part of the Humanities and Social Sciences advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

General Transfer

This program is part of the Humanities and Social Sciences advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Geographic Info Systems

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest, specifically Agriculture/Horticulture and Aviation majors. Myriah Benner-Coogan advises for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the Science, Engineering, and Mathematics advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Google IT Support Professional

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the pre-Health Professions advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

If you have recently been admitted to a selective admissions health professions program at Parkland, please work with the health professions department for registration assistance.


This program is part of the Humanities and Social Sciences advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Molly Murphy and Tanino Minneci advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the Humanities and Social Sciences advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Industrial Machining

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Molly Murphy and Tanino Minneci advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Industrial Maintenance Technology

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Molly Murphy and Tanino Minneci advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Industrial Welding

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Molly Murphy and Tanino Minneci advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Instrument Rating

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest, specifically Agriculture/Horticulture and Aviation majors. Myriah Benner-Coogan advises for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Students in this program are typically advised by faculty program directors in the CTE department. Contact the person listed for your program of interest:

Continuing students in this major should work with their faculty program director for next semester registration.


This program is part of the Science, Engineering, and Mathematics advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

LINUX Administration

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Land Surveying

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Students in this program are typically advised by faculty program directors in the CTE department. Contact the person listed for your program of interest:

Continuing students in this major should work with their faculty program director for next semester registration.

Landscape & Urban Horticulture

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest, specifically Agriculture/Horticulture and Aviation majors. Myriah Benner-Coogan advises for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Licensed Practical Nurse

This program is part of the pre-Health Professions advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

If you have recently been admitted to a selective admissions health professions program at Parkland, please work with the health professions department for registration assistance.

Machine Tools

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Molly Murphy and Tanino Minneci advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Machinery Maintenance

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Molly Murphy and Tanino Minneci advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Maintenance & Automation

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Molly Murphy and Tanino Minneci advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the Science, Engineering, and Mathematics advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Media Arts & Production

This program is part of the Fine and Applied Arts advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Continuing Students should reach out to the appropriate Faculty Advisor for degree-specific information and assistance - a list of all Faculty Advisors is below. Email the Faculty Advisor directly to schedule an academic advising appointment.

Faculty Advisors:

Art & Design – Denise Seif, Matthew Watt, and Josh Schutz

    • Art & Design (AFA)
    • Art Education (AFA)

Communication (AA) – Kendra McClure and Julie Weishar

Communication (AAS and CER) – Adam Porter

    • Broadcast Technology (AAS)
    • Media Arts & Production (AAS)
    • Media Production (CER)

Music – Julie Weishar and Isabel Scarborough

    • Music Education (AFA)
    • Music Foundations (AA)
    • Music Performance (AFA)

Photography (AAS) – Peg Shaw

Theatre – Brian Morgan

    • Theatre Arts (AA)
    • Entertainment Technology (AAS and CER)

Media Communication

This program is part of the Fine and Applied Arts advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Continuing Students should reach out to the appropriate Faculty Advisor for degree-specific information and assistance - a list of all Faculty Advisors is below. Email the Faculty Advisor directly to schedule an academic advising appointment.

Faculty Advisors:

Art & Design – Denise Seif, Matthew Watt, and Josh Schutz

    • Art & Design (AFA)
    • Art Education (AFA)

Communication (AA) – Kendra McClure and Julie Weishar

Communication (AAS and CER) – Adam Porter

    • Broadcast Technology (AAS)
    • Media Arts & Production (AAS)
    • Media Production (CER)

Music – Julie Weishar and Isabel Scarborough

    • Music Education (AFA)
    • Music Foundations (AA)
    • Music Performance (AFA)

Photography (AAS) – Peg Shaw

Theatre – Brian Morgan

    • Theatre Arts (AA)
    • Entertainment Technology (AAS and CER)

Media Production

This program is part of the Fine and Applied Arts advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Continuing Students should reach out to the appropriate Faculty Advisor for degree-specific information and assistance - a list of all Faculty Advisors is below. Email the Faculty Advisor directly to schedule an academic advising appointment.

Faculty Advisors:

Art & Design – Denise Seif, Matthew Watt, and Josh Schutz

    • Art & Design (AFA)
    • Art Education (AFA)

Communication (AA) – Kendra McClure and Julie Weishar

Communication (AAS and CER) – Adam Porter

    • Broadcast Technology (AAS)
    • Media Arts & Production (AAS)
    • Media Production (CER)

Music – Julie Weishar and Isabel Scarborough

    • Music Education (AFA)
    • Music Foundations (AA)
    • Music Performance (AFA)

Photography (AAS) – Peg Shaw

Theatre – Brian Morgan

    • Theatre Arts (AA)
    • Entertainment Technology (AAS and CER)

Medical Assisting

This program is part of the pre-Health Professions advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

If you have recently been admitted to a selective admissions health professions program at Parkland, please work with the health professions department for registration assistance.


This program is part of the Science, Engineering, and Mathematics advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Microsoft Administration

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Mobile Development

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the Fine and Applied Arts advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Continuing Students should reach out to the appropriate Faculty Advisor for degree-specific information and assistance - a list of all Faculty Advisors is below. Email the Faculty Advisor directly to schedule an academic advising appointment.

Faculty Advisors:

Art & Design – Denise Seif, Matthew Watt, and Josh Schutz

    • Art & Design (AFA)
    • Art Education (AFA)

Communication (AA) – Kendra McClure and Julie Weishar

Communication (AAS and CER) – Adam Porter

    • Broadcast Technology (AAS)
    • Media Arts & Production (AAS)
    • Media Production (CER)

Music – Julie Weishar and Isabel Scarborough

    • Music Education (AFA)
    • Music Foundations (AA)
    • Music Performance (AFA)

Photography (AAS) – Peg Shaw

Theatre – Brian Morgan

    • Theatre Arts (AA)
    • Entertainment Technology (AAS and CER)

Music Education

This program is part of the Fine and Applied Arts advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Continuing Students should reach out to the appropriate Faculty Advisor for degree-specific information and assistance - a list of all Faculty Advisors is below. Email the Faculty Advisor directly to schedule an academic advising appointment.

Faculty Advisors:

Art & Design – Denise Seif, Matthew Watt, and Josh Schutz

    • Art & Design (AFA)
    • Art Education (AFA)

Communication (AA) – Kendra McClure and Julie Weishar

Communication (AAS and CER) – Adam Porter

    • Broadcast Technology (AAS)
    • Media Arts & Production (AAS)
    • Media Production (CER)

Music – Julie Weishar and Isabel Scarborough

    • Music Education (AFA)
    • Music Foundations (AA)
    • Music Performance (AFA)

Photography (AAS) – Peg Shaw

Theatre – Brian Morgan

    • Theatre Arts (AA)
    • Entertainment Technology (AAS and CER)

Network Administration & Support

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Nurse Assistant

This program is part of the pre-Health Professions advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

If you have recently been admitted to a selective admissions health professions program at Parkland, please work with the health professions department for registration assistance.


This program is part of the pre-Health Professions advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

If you have recently been admitted to a selective admissions health professions program at Parkland, please work with the health professions department for registration assistance.

Occupational Therapy Assistant

This program is part of the pre-Health Professions advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

If you have recently been admitted to a selective admissions health professions program at Parkland, please work with the health professions department for registration assistance.

Office Assistant

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Office Specialist

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

PE Teaching/Coaching

This program is part of the Science, Engineering, and Mathematics advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the pre-Health Professions advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

If you have recently been admitted to a selective admissions health professions program at Parkland, please work with the health professions department for registration assistance.

Parkland Pathway to Illinois

If you are a newly accepted Pathway student, check your email for communication from your advisor about how to schedule your advising appointment.

Continuing Pathway students, please select your Parkland advisor in the I know my advisor menu to schedule a Pathway advising appointment.

Personal Fitness Training

This program is part of the Science, Engineering, and Mathematics advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the Fine and Applied Arts advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Continuing Students should reach out to the appropriate Faculty Advisor for degree-specific information and assistance - a list of all Faculty Advisors is below. Email the Faculty Advisor directly to schedule an academic advising appointment.

Faculty Advisors:

Art & Design – Denise Seif, Matthew Watt, and Josh Schutz

    • Art & Design (AFA)
    • Art Education (AFA)

Communication (AA) – Kendra McClure and Julie Weishar

Communication (AAS and CER) – Adam Porter

    • Broadcast Technology (AAS)
    • Media Arts & Production (AAS)
    • Media Production (CER)

Music – Julie Weishar and Isabel Scarborough

    • Music Education (AFA)
    • Music Foundations (AA)
    • Music Performance (AFA)

Photography (AAS) – Peg Shaw

Theatre – Brian Morgan

    • Theatre Arts (AA)
    • Entertainment Technology (AAS and CER)

Physical Science

This program is part of the Science, Engineering, and Mathematics advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Plumbers & Pipefitters

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Students in this program are typically advised by faculty program directors in the CTE department. Contact the person listed for your program of interest:

Continuing students in this major should work with their faculty program director for next semester registration.

Political Science

This program is part of the Humanities and Social Sciences advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Pre-Med or Pre-Dental

This program is part of the Science, Engineering, and Mathematics advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the pre-Health Professions advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

If you have recently been admitted to a selective admissions health professions program at Parkland, please work with the health professions department for registration assistance.

Precision Ag Tech

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest, specifically Agriculture/Horticulture and Aviation majors. Myriah Benner-Coogan advises for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Precision Ag Technology

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest, specifically Agriculture/Horticulture and Aviation majors. Myriah Benner-Coogan advises for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Private Pilot

Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest, specifically Aviation majors. Steve Wilson and Myriah Benner-Coogan advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the Humanities and Social Sciences advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Radiologic Technology

This program is part of the pre-Health Professions advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

If you have recently been admitted to a selective admissions health professions program at Parkland, please work with the health professions department for registration assistance.

Registered Nurse

This program is part of the pre-Health Professions advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

If you have recently been admitted to a selective admissions health professions program at Parkland, please work with the health professions department for registration assistance.

Respiratory Care

This program is part of the pre-Health Professions advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

If you have recently been admitted to a selective admissions health professions program at Parkland, please work with the health professions department for registration assistance.


This program is part of the Science, Engineering, and Mathematics advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

STEM Transfer

This program is part of the Science, Engineering, and Mathematics advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Secondary Education

This program is part of the Humanities and Social Sciences advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Social Work

This program is part of the Humanities and Social Sciences advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the Humanities and Social Sciences advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Special Education

This program is part of the Humanities and Social Sciences advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Sports Management

This program is part of the Science, Engineering, and Mathematics advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Sterile Processing Technician

This program is part of the pre-Health Professions advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

If you have recently been admitted to a selective admissions health professions program at Parkland, please work with the health professions department for registration assistance.

Structural & Civil Computer Aided Drafting

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Molly Murphy and Tanino Minneci advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Surgical Technology

This program is part of the pre-Health Professions advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

If you have recently been admitted to a selective admissions health professions program at Parkland, please work with the health professions department for registration assistance.


This program is part of the Fine and Applied Arts advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Continuing Students should reach out to the appropriate Faculty Advisor for degree-specific information and assistance - a list of all Faculty Advisors is below. Email the Faculty Advisor directly to schedule an academic advising appointment.

Faculty Advisors:

Art & Design – Denise Seif, Matthew Watt, and Josh Schutz

    • Art & Design (AFA)
    • Art Education (AFA)

Communication (AA) – Kendra McClure and Julie Weishar

Communication (AAS and CER) – Adam Porter

    • Broadcast Technology (AAS)
    • Media Arts & Production (AAS)
    • Media Production (CER)

Music – Julie Weishar and Isabel Scarborough

    • Music Education (AFA)
    • Music Foundations (AA)
    • Music Performance (AFA)

Photography (AAS) – Peg Shaw

Theatre – Brian Morgan

    • Theatre Arts (AA)
    • Entertainment Technology (AAS and CER)

Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies

This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest, specifically Aviation majors. Steve Wilson and Myriah Benner-Coogan advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

Veterinary Technology

This program is part of the pre-Health Professions advising area of interest. 

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

If you have recently been admitted to a selective admissions health professions program at Parkland, please work with the health professions department for registration assistance.

Web Development

This program is part of the Business & Computer Science Technologies advising area of interest.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:


This program is part of the Agriculture, Aviation, and Applied Technologies advising area of interest. Molly Murphy and Tanino Minneci advise for this area.

New, returning, or nondegree-seeking Parkland students: click here to schedule your advising appointment.

If you have previously worked with an advisor for this area, you may also reach out to them directly:

I Know My Advisor

Continuing students: use the menu below to identify your advisor.

AGT faculty – Charlie Mitsdarfer

Aimee Densmore onboards for the Advanced Applicator Technician Program. Aimee can be reached by email at Continuing students in Advanced Applicator Technician should reach out to program director Charlie Mitsdarfer for degree-specific information and registration assistance.

New and continuing students in Agricultural Business Management, Precision Ag Technology, Agriculture (transfer), Geographic Information Systems, and Horticulture should make an advising appointment with Academic Success Advisor, Myriah Benner-Coogan for advising and registration needs.

Charlie Mitsdarfer is the program director for Advanced Applicator Technician, Agricultural Business Management, Precision Ag Technology, Geographic Information Systems, and Horticulture. He can be reached at

AGT faculty – Steve Hancock

Aimee Densmore onboards for the Case New Holland Service Technician and Diesel Power Equipment Technology programs. Aimee can be reached by email at

Continuing students should reach out to the program director/coordinator for degree-specific information and registration assistance.

Steve Hancock is the program director for Case New Holland Service Technician and Diesel Power Equipment Technology. He can be reached at

AST faculty – Aaron Rorem

New students should meet with the appropriate Academic Success Advisor for their first semester advising and registration assistance.

Continuing students should reach out to program director/coordinator for degree-specific information and registration assistance.

Aaron Rorem is the program director for Automotive Technology, Auto Maintenance & Light Repair, and Auto Technician. He can be reached at

AST faculty – Dan Meccoli

New students should meet with the appropriate Academic Success Advisor for their first semester advising and registration assistance.

Continuing students should reach out to the program director/coordinator for degree-specific information and registration assistance.

Dan Meccoli is the program coordinator for Electronic Control Systems and HVAC. He can be reached at

AST faculty – David Charney

Aimee Densmore onboards for the Ford ASSET Program. Aimee can be reached by email at

Continuing students should reach out to the program director/coordinator for degree-specific information and registration assistance.

David Charney is the program director for Ford ASSET. He can be reached at

AST faculty – Dennis Huffman

New students should meet with the appropriate Academic Success Advisor for their first semester advising and registration assistance.

Continuing students should reach out to the program director/coordinator for degree-specific information and registration assistance.

Dennis Huffman is the program director for Industrial Technology concentration in Welding. He can be reached at

AST faculty – Dustin Stuart

New students should meet with the appropriate Academic Success Advisor for their first semester advising and registration assistance.

Continuing students should reach out to the program director/coordinator for degree-specific information and registration assistance.

Dustin Stuart is the program director for Construction Management. He can be reached at

AST faculty – John Dahlman

New students should meet with the appropriate Academic Success Advisor for their first semester advising and registration assistance.

Continuing students should reach out to the program director/coordinator for degree-specific information and registration assistance.

John Dahlman is the program coordinator for Industrial Technology concentrations in Maintenance & Automation and Machine Tools. He can be reached at

AST faculty – Kory Allred

Aimee Densmore onboards for the Land Surveying Program. Aimee can be reached by email at

Continuing students should reach out to the program director/coordinator for degree-specific information and registration assistance.

Kory Allred is the program director for Land Surveying. He can be reached at

Athletics Advisor

Parkland student athletes are advised by Coach John Bowler. He can be reached by email at You may also call the athletics department at 217/351-2226. Schedule an appointment with John Bowler

BCST faculty – Ashley Davis

Continuing students in business/computer science majors are encouraged to meet with their faculty advisor.

Ashley Davis advises for Business Administrative Technology and many business/computer science certificates. She can be reached at

BCST faculty – Derek Dallas

Continuing students in business/computer science majors are encouraged to meet with their faculty advisor.

Derek Dallas advises for digital media and 3D computer animation. He can be reached at

BCST faculty – Judy Smith

Continuing students in business/computer science majors are encouraged to meet with their faculty advisor.

Judy Smith advises for accounting. She can be reached at

BCST faculty – Kelly Barbour-Conerty

Continuing students in business/computer science majors are encouraged to meet with their faculty advisor.

Kelly Barbour-Conerty advises for business management, marketing, and entrepreneurship. She can be reached at

BCST faculty – Ken Urban

Continuing students in business/computer science majors are encouraged to meet with their faculty advisor.

Ken Urban advises for data systems and development, database foundations, general programming, web development, and mobile development. He can be reached at

BCST faculty – Tim Newcomb

Continuing students in business/computer science majors are encouraged to meet with their faculty advisor.

Tim Newcomb

advises for CISCO networking, Google IT, computer foundations, LINUX, and network administration. He can be reached at

COM faculty – Adam Porter

Continuing students should reach out to faculty advisors for degree-specific information and registration assistance.

Adam Porter advises for Music, Media Arts & Production, and Broadcast Technology. He can be reached at

COM faculty – Julie Weishar

Continuing students should reach out to faculty advisors for degree-specific information and registration assistance.

Julie Weishar advises for Communication (AA degrees). She can be reached at

COM faculty – Kendra McClure

Continuing students should reach out to faculty advisors for degree-specific information and registration assistance.

Kendra McClure advises for Communication. She can be reached at

COM faculty – Peggy Shaw

Continuing students should reach out to faculty advisors for degree-specific information and registration assistance.

Peggy Shaw advises for Photography. She can be reached at

Daniel Driscoll

Daniel Driscoll advises for Humanities and Social Sciences; STEM; and Pathway LAS and SSW. 

He can be reached:

Daniel works remotely on Tuesdays, so appointments scheduled on that day will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams.

If you are a continuing Parkland Pathways student, you may also use the link for your UIUC Pathway college:

FAA faculty - Brian Morgan

Continuing students should reach out to faculty advisors for degree-specific information and registration assistance.

Brian Morgan advises for Theatre. He can be reached at

FAA faculty – Denise Seif

Continuing students should reach out to faculty advisors for degree-specific information and registration assistance.

Denise Seif advises for Art & Design and Art Education. She can be reached at

FAA faculty – Matthew Watt

Continuing students should reach out to faculty advisors for degree-specific information and registration assistance.

Matthew Watt advises for Art & Design and Art Education. He can be reached at

Jorgi Jones

Jorgi Jones advises for Business and Computer Science and Humanities and Social Science.

She can be reached:

Karen Morgan

Karen Morgan advises for Pre-Health Professions; Humanities and Social Science; and Pathway AHS. 

She can be reached: 

Karen works remotely on Fridays, so appointments scheduled on that day will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams.

If you are a continuing Parkland Pathways student, you may also use the link for your UIUC Pathway college:

Lorraine Munoz

Lorraine Munoz advises for Pre-Health Professions; Humanities and Social Science; Pathway Education; and SWFT. 

She can be reached:

  • By email at
  • Byappointment using this link: Advising with Lorraine Munoz

Lorraine works remotely on Wednesdays, so appointments scheduled on that day will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams.

If you are a continuing Parkland Pathways student, you may also use the link for your UIUC Pathway college:

Megan Wallenius

Megan Wallenius advises for Fine and Applied Arts; Humanities and Social Sciences; and Pathway LAS and Media. 

She can be reached:

If you are a continuing Parkland Pathways student, you may also use the link for your UIUC Pathway college:

Molly Murphy

Molly Murphy advises for Pre-Health Professions; and Applied Technology. 

She can be reached:

  • By email at
  • Byappointment using this link: Advising with Molly Murphy

Molly works remotely on Thursdays, so appointments scheduled on that day will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams.

Mr. LT Taylor

Mr. LT Taylor advises for Business and Computer Science. 

He can be reached:

Myriah Benner-Coogan

Myriah Benner-Coogan advises for Aviation; Agriculture/Horticulture; and Pathway ACES. 

She can be reached:

Myriah works remotely on Thursdays, so appointments scheduled on that day will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams.

If you are a continuing Parkland Pathways student, you may also use the link for your UIUC Pathway college:

Randy Rothwell

Randy Rothwell advises for STEM transfer majors; and Pathway ENG and SIS. 

He can be reached:

Randy works remotely on Fridays, so appointments scheduled on that day will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams.

If you are a continuing Parkland Pathways student, you may also use the link for your UIUC Pathway college:

Sidney Megeff

Sidney Megeff advises for Fine and Applied Arts; Humanities and Social Sciences; and Pathway FAA and LAS. 

She can be reached:

Sidney works remotely on Thursdays, so appointments scheduled on that day will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams.

If you are a continuing Parkland Pathways student, you may also use the link for your UIUC Pathway college:

Steve Wilson

Steve Wilson advises for Aviation, Business and Computer Science. 

He can be reached:

Steve works remotely on Fridays, so appointments scheduled on that day will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams.

Tanino Minneci

Tanino Minneci advises for Pre-Health Professions; and Applied Technology. 

He can be reached:

Tanino works remotely on Tuesdays, so appointments scheduled on that day will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams.

Other appointment types

Parkland Pathway to Illinois students

Parkland Pathway to Illinois is a selective-admission and dual-enrollment program. Students are accepted to Parkland and are provisionally accepted to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

  • Newly accepted Pathway students: check your email for communication from your advisor about how to schedule your advising appointment.
  • Continuing Pathway students: select your Parkland advisor in the I know my advisor menu to schedule a Pathway advising appointment.

Students not enrolled in the Parkland Pathway to Illinois Program but who are planning on applying for transfer to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, please select an Area of Interest appointment above.

UIUC concurrently enrolled students

If you are a full-time UIUC student wanting to take a Parkland class, please follow the Concurrent Enrollment steps. This must be done every semester. Parkland Admissions will take care of the registration through this process as long as the student has met the prerequisites and there are still seats available in the course(s). If you have questions about UIUC concurrent enrollment, please email

Students who are not seeking to earn a degree or certificate at Parkland

If you are not a degree- or certificate-seeking student, it is not required that you meet with an academic advisor. If you need registration assistance, please email If you are a non degree-seeking student and need academic advising, please review the Areas of Interest above and determine which one best suits your goals/interests in order to make an advising appointment. 

Students who are undecided

If you have gotten this far on our page and have not been able to figure out who is best for you to meet with, please email and let us know what your goals are and we can help determine the best advisor to schedule an appointment. 

Remember: You must have placements completed before scheduling an academic advising appointment.