Political Science

Why study political science?

We study political science to learn how power is used and allocated in the world. This knowledge is useful for all people, but it is increasingly essential for careers in business, government, and finance. Because political scientists use a number of different approaches to the discipline, our classes will help you develop the critical skills such as quantitative reasoning, data analysis, and written and verbal communications that employers demand today. Political science students can be found in many career fields, but are often drawn to business, law, government service, and the nonprofit sectors of the economy . The skills learned in the study of political science are a great foundation for a successful and rewarding career.

At Parkland, you'll have the advantage of small class sizes, taught by master faculty—never teaching assistants. Your success is our priority.


Introduction to Political Science (POS 120): takes a broad view of how political power is rendered through institutions and ideologies. 

American National Government (POS 122): discussion of the structure of government as well as current events.

State and Local Government (POS 124): focuses on political institutions and actions at the state and local level. 

Introduction to European Politics (POS 165): covers the political changes in Europe since the Cold War and is only taught as part of the Salzburg, Austria study abroad program.

Introduction to British Government and Politics (POS 167): explores facets of British political life and is only taught as part of the Canterbury, England study abroad program. 

International Relations (POS 202): investigates contemporary issues such as arms control, transnationalism, and the United Nations. 

Will my classes transfer?

POS 120, 122, 124, and 202 will fulfill the Social and Behavioral Sciences general education requirement at Illinois public universities. Parkland College classes with an even middle digit (such as ENG 101, MAT 128, and BIO 141) are accepted for transfer as general education classes, major courses, or electives as determined by the transfer institution. 

For more information about transferring, speak with an academic advisor and visit the Parkland Course Matrix.


Learn more about how these courses fit into a transfer degree or the general education core curriculum (GECC).

Political Science

Associate in Arts (A.A.)
Course Sequence

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