Tutor Training Part 1

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Lesson 1: Adult Literacy in Illinois

Amanda N. H. Gray, Program Manager

Learn about the Illinois State Library’s Literacy Initiatives.  Project READ adapted the Secretary of State’s Adult Volunteer Literacy Tutor Training in the creation of this lesson.

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Lesson 2: The Role of the Adult Volunteer Literacy Tutor

Anthony Schaefer, District Site Coordinator

Project yourself into the role of an educator who partners with an adult learner in advancing toward their goals. Project READ adapted the Secretary of State’s Adult Volunteer Literacy Tutor Training in the creation of this lesson.

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Lesson 3: The Characteristics of Adult Learners

Carolyn Kodes, Family Literacy Site Coordinator

Here you will look at the social and cognitive elements that adult learners bring to the tutoring setting. Project READ adapted the Secretary of State’s Adult Volunteer Literacy Tutor Training in the creation of this lesson.

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Lesson 4: Adult Learning

Danielle Brown, District Site Coordinator

Explore theories, best practices, and instructional materials for adult language and literacy development. Project READ adapted the Secretary of State’s Adult Volunteer Literacy Tutor Training in the creation of this lesson.

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Intermediate ESL Tutoring Session

Observe a ZOOM tutoring session in which an experienced tutor works with her long-time learner on an intermediate reading comprehension activity. In-person observations can be scheduled by contacting a Project READ coordinator.

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Intermediate ESL Classroom

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In this video of a traditional Adult ESL classroom many of the strategies and techniques you have learned come into play for the teacher and learners. In-person observations can be scheduled by contacting a Project READ coordinator.

After your observation(s), please contact ProjectREAD@parkland.edu, to meet with a Project READ Coordinator to discuss them.