


National Tutoring Week: Meet Project READ MVP Cathy Salika

Who is Cathy Salika? She's only the inspirational Project READ literacy tutor after whom we've modeled our new Project READ...

Free CarFit Checks for Older Area Drivers this Thursday

Assessment is free to area drivers 65 and older

Dental Hygiene Clinic Seeks New Patients for Exams, Cleanings

Clinic services free for children under 12, age 65+, aid recipients; $10 for others

Parkland College Among Top 20 in Nation for Precision Ag places Parkland at No. 2 among nation's community colleges



Interested in Parkland?
Schedule a visit!
Beneath a Midwestern Sky: Paintings by Douglas C. Johnson
Giertz Gallery, June 10 – July 31
College for Kids and DiscoverU
Summer Programs
Planetarium Shows
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays