Tutoring & Learning assistance

Tutoring Schedule


All Parkland students are welcome!

How we serve YOU:

  • Provide Parkland students with accessible, affordable, and comprehensive instructional and support services responsive to individual learning styles, academic skill levels, and socio-emotional expectations.    
  • Create a stimulating, low-anxiety learning environment and situations that build student confidence, encourage student learning, and assist students in successfully adapting to academic and social expectations.    
  • Introduce personal and academic growth opportunities that promote student academic persistence.
  • Advocate for student ownership in their individual and collective educational planning process.
  • Offer Parkland faculty, staff, and administrators comprehensive academic support that enhances their respective learning and teaching styles.
Remember: These services are free and available on a walk-in basis. Just come on in to the Learning Commons in R201, and we'll help you find the help you need or call 217/373-3839 for more information.