This daily crime log is provided so our community members have the information they need to look out for themselves and others.
This daily crime log is meant to give you information about crimes which have been reported in the area of the college during the previous 60 days. The daily crime log is not like a typical police blotter, and understanding how the information in compiled is important to developing an accurate picture of crime in the greater campus community. Please continue reading below for more information about the crime log and instructions on how to interpret it.
Access the daily crime log here.
Understanding the crime log
The incidents detailed in this log are provided according to criteria set forth in the federal Clery Act. Not all of these crimes have been reported to the Parkland College Police Department for the purpose of criminal investigation. Rather, some of these crimes may have been reported to college employees known as “campus security authorities” who are obligated by federal law to bring such incidents to the attention of the campus police department so the campus community may be notified of ongoing public safety issues. Many crime victims do not want police intervention, and may elect not to pursue a criminal investigation. College resources are always provided to crime victims whether or not they choose to pursue a criminal investigation, and academic disciplinary proceedings may still be initiated against offenders.
Additionally, many of these incidents have been reported to police in other jurisdictions and may be under investigation by those departments.
This electronic version of the daily crime log is provided as a convenience and is updated as frequently as possible. A current version for public viewing is always available in hard copy at the front desk of the Parkland College Police Department, located in room A160 of Parkland's main campus.