Welcome, U.S. Veterans, Service Members, Spouses, Dependents

The Parkland College district is home to roughly 16,000 veterans, and Parkland served 645 veterans in 2015. We are committed to providing veterans with a successful educational experience. Listed below are programs and services available to veterans, active duty military personnel, and their families.

Look here for services you may need to receive federal and state Veterans Administration benefits, enroll at Parkland College, and navigate the college experience. Be sure to contact us if you need further assistance. May you enjoy great success in your post-secondary scholastic pursuits.



The Office of Admissions and Records is available by walk-ins or appointments in room U214. For more information, contact their office by phone at  217/351-2482 or by email at

  • Active duty members must make sure to speak with their Educational Services Officer (ESO) prior to registering for any courses.
  • Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) - This Army, Navy, and Air Force program is available to Parkland students in collaboration with the University of Illinois. Interested students should contact the U of I ROTC instructor at 217/244-1407. Then, complete the concurrent enrollment form for ROTC with Parkland's Admissions office. After receiving Admission's signature, turn the form in to the U of I ROTC program. At the end of the semester, submit transcripts detailing your grades to Parkland's Admissions Office.
  • Concurrent Application (CONAP) - This program allows recruits to the U.S. Army to be admitted into Parkland College at the time of entry into the Army. Under CONAP, students will be committed to the graduation criteria of the catalog of the year in which they are admitted regardless of the date of enrollment. Students also have the option to graduate under the requirements of any subsequent catalog.
  • CHAMPVA verification of enrollment - Complete the verification of enrollment form in the Admissions office. An Admissions processor will complete the verification and send it to CHAMPVA for you.
  • Re-enrollment - If a lapse in enrollment occurs due to military service, students are eligible to be readmitted with the same academic status held during their most recent period of attendance. In accordance to federal student aid policy, students must notify Parkland of their military service and intent to return to school.

    645 veterans served in FY2015
    Anticipated 645 in 5 years, 613 in 10 years.

    Office of Financial Aid and Veteran Services

    The Office of Financial Aid and Veteran Services is located in room U286. Walk-in appointments are available. For more information, contact Kristina Taylor, Coordinator of Veterans and Military Personnel Student Services, at 217/351-2222 or by email at

    • The Office of Financial Aid and Veteran Services will help you file the appropriate forms to process your educational benefit claims with the Federal Veterans Administration (VA), the State of Illinois Veterans Administration, Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC), and the Department of Education. We are also available to answer questions about veterans’ benefits and financial aid, and direct you to college support services that will help you succeed in college courses. We process the following benefits:
      • State of Illinois Monetary Award Program (MAP)
      • Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
      • Federal Work Study (FWS)
      • Federal Pell Grant
      • Federal Direct Subsidized loans
      • Federal Direct Unsubsidized loans
      • Federal Direct Parent (PLUS) loans
      • Alternative loans
      • Scholarships
      • All Federal VA benefits, including CH33, CH30, CH35, CH31, CH1606, CH1607
      • All State of Illinois VA benefits, including Illinois Veterans Grant (IVG), Illinois National Guard Grant (ING), and MIA/POW scholarship.
    • If requested, we will provide an individual orientation to all veterans using their VA educational benefits at Parkland College for the first time.
    • Veterans Residency - All service members and their dependents who are stationed and living within the college district are authorized to attend Parkland and pay tuition and fees at the in-district rate if they are using veterans education benefits.

    Our veteran and military personnel student services coordinator, Kristina Taylor, is available to assist you with the resources offered through the Financial Aid and Veteran Services Office. You can contact her by phone at 217/351-2222, or by email at

    324 veterans were served in FY2018
    Anticipated 329 in 5 years, 434 in 10 years.

    Veterans Tutorial Assistance

    If you are eligible for education benefits and you need help in a subject, you can get supplemental payments for tutorial assistance. The subject must be necessary for the completion of your approved program. You must be training at one-half time or more in a post-secondary program at an educational institution. You can get tutorial assistance for a course you are passing if your grade will not be credited toward completion of your program.

    The VA will pay up to $100 per month for your tutorial assistance. The tutorial assistance you get will be in addition to your regular monthly education benefits for going to school. The limit for tutorial assistance is 12 times the maximum monthly rate of $100 (i.e., $1,200).

    If you are training under Chapter 30, 32, 1606, VA will not charge entitlement for your first $600 of tutorial assistance. For tutorial assistance over $600, VA will charge one month of entitlement whenever you receive an amount equal to the full time monthly rate for going to school.

    If you are training under Chapter 35, VA will not charge you any entitlement when you get tutorial assistance.

    462 veterans were served in FY2015
    Anticipated 462 in 5 years, 439 in 10 years.

    Accessibility Services

    The Office of Accessibility Services works in partnership with the greater college community to facilitate equal access for students with disabilities to the educational programs, services, and activities of Parkland College in accordance with federal law. Services are available by walk-in or appointment in room U260. For more information, contact them by phone at 217/353-2338 or email

    Accommodation requests and eligibility

    Students who wish to request academic adjustments/accommodations or auxiliary aids may do so by submitting proper documentation to the Office of Accessibility Services. Eligible students may receive one or more of the following:

    • alternate testing arrangements
    • textbooks in alternate formats
    • sign language interpreters
    • special classroom seating
    • equipment
    • note takers
    • interpreters
    • TTY or Sorenson videophone
    • Assistive Technology Lab

    If you need assistance from the Office of Accessibility Services they can be reached by phone at 217/353-2338 or by email at

    102 veterans were served in FY2017.
    Anticipated 107 in 5 years, 112 in 10 years.

    Business Office

    The Business Office is the point of contact for billable scholarships and for paying your tuition. Services are available on a walk-in basis in room U247 or by phone at 217/351-2233

      • Refund Policies: Tuition and Fees 
        • There will be a fullrefund of tuition and fees for any course cancelled by the college 
        • No refundwill be granted when a student is dismissed or suspended from the college fordisciplinary reasons. 
        A student who believes an exception should be made to therefund policy should complete a Request for Billing Adjustment form availablefrom the cashier (U250).

        645 veterans were served in FY2015
        Anticipated 645 in 5 years, 613 in 10 years.

        Counseling Support Center
        Parkland Counselors are available to offer social and emotional support as you navigate your time at Parkland College. Counselors are trained in providing solution-focused counseling to address a variety of needs such as depression, anxiety, trauma, and difficulties with school or home. A variety of additional services are offered such as workshops, groups, and listening sessions. Counselors can also connect students to other services such as long-term counseling and psychiatric care when needed. There are a variety of mental health resources available at Online Mental Health Resources. We are here to help you feel successful and strong as you navigate your higher education experience. To schedule an appointment, visit us on campus in room U238, find us online at the Counseling Support Center website, or call 217-351-2461. 
        Academic Advising & Career Services

        Academic success advisors are available to help students select courses, register for classes, and build an academic path to graduation and transfer. Advisors are available by appointment with some additional options for walk-in meetings. All degree-seeking students are paired with a designated advisor based on students’ academic area of interest. For more information about advising, visit us on campus in room U267, find us online at, call 217/351-2219, or email

        Career Services can assist you in deciding what degree program and career path is best suited to your individual skills and interests. Meet with a career counselor to discuss any or all of the following topics:

        • Career assessments and follow-up review
        • How to use LinkedIn
        • Resume and/or cover letter review
        • Mock interviews
        • Career and job search planning
        • Career counselor coffee chats
        • LinkedIn student photo booth

        To schedule a career counseling appointment, visit, call 217/351-2219, or email

        TRiO Student Support Services

        A TRIO/SSS participant receives support services aimed at promoting academic and personal development. Services are available by walk-in or appointment in room U270. For more information on the TRiO program, contact Julia Hawthorne, director, by phone at 217/353-2266 or by email at

        10% of available grant money is set aside for eligible veterans.

        • The services offered include:
          • Individualized tutoring
          • Cultural activities
          • Four-year college visits
          • Equipment lending program (includes laptop computers, graphing calculators, micro cassette recorders, and USB thumb drives)
          • Multipurpose room for studying or tutoring, five computers with free limited printing, and reference books
          • Personalized skill building workshops
          • Student leadership opportunities
          • Peer mentoring program
          • Scholarship

        4 veterans were served in FY2017
        Anticipated 9 in 5 years, 14 in 10 years.

        Student Veterans Association at Parkland (SVAP)

        The Student Veterans Association at Parkland (SVAP) is a student-led organization committed to fostering a veteran friendly climate on campus. This organization is open to all interested individuals, with officer positions being reserved for veterans or active duty military personnel. SVAP meets the first Tuesday of every month from noon–1pm in room U299. For more information, you can contact the staff advisor, Kristina Taylor, by phone at 217/351-2222 or by email at

        • SVAP organizes and presents the college’s annual Veterans Day Ceremony in the college center.
        • Provides camaraderie and a feeling of connectedness for veterans and active duty military personnel considering the unique nature of their experiences.
        • Provides advocacy, support, social, and recreational activities.

        20 veterans were served in FY2015
        Anticipated 20 in 5 years, 19 in 10 years.

        The Learning Commons

        The Parkland College Learning Commons is a physical and virtual hub for learning; a place for students to connect with faculty, peer tutors, print and electronic information resources, instructional support services, instructional technology, and each other to achieve their learning goals. We are here to help!

        The Learning Commons is a safe space for students and faculty alike. Conversation and collaboration are encouraged, with areas for group work, multimedia collaboration, and tutoring.