To ensure your privacy, DO NOT submit forms through email. Forms can be submitted by mail, fax (217/373-3807), or delivered in person.
1) 24-25 V1 Dependent Verification packet2) 24-25 V1 Independent Verification packet 3) 24-25 V4 Dependent Verification packet 4) 24-25 V4 Independent Verification packet 5) 24-25 V5 Dependent Verification packet 6) 24-25 V5 Independent Verification packet 7) 24-25 Non-Tax Filer Form 8) 24-25 Unusual Enrollment History 9) 24-25 Fall/Spring Additional Unsubsidized Loan Request packet 10) 24-25 Special Circumstances- Dependent11) 24-25 Special Circumstances- Independent12) 24-25 Alternative Loan Acknowledgement13) 24-25 Mid-Year Verification14) 24-25 Dependency Appeal / Provisionally Independent15) 24-25 Unsub Only for Dependent Without Parental Data16) 24-25 Total Permanent Disability (TPD) Statement17) 24-25 Loan Default Verification
15) 22-23 verification worksheet - dependent (v1) 16) 22-23 verification worksheet - independent (v1) 17) 22-23 verification worksheet - dependent (v4) 18) 22-23 verification worksheet - independent (v4) 19) 22-23 verification worksheet - dependent (v5) 20) 22-23 verification worksheet - independent (v5) 21) special circumstance - dependent 22) special circumstance - independent 23) 22-23 illinois residency verification 24) 22-23 fall/spring additional unsubsidized student loan request packet 25) alternative loan acknowledgement 26) unusual enrollment history 27) fresh start initiative acknowledgement 28) 22-23 mid-year verification 29) summer 2023 30) summer additional unsubsidized student loan request packet
18) Veteran Certification Request19) VA Prior Credit Evaluation
20) IRS Non-filer Request21) Financial Aid Appeal22) Consortium Agreement - Home School Parkland23) Permission to Release Student Record Information
Office: U286
Phone: 217/351-2222 Fax: 217/373-3807
Office HoursMonday – Friday, 8 am – 5 pm
College ClosedDecember 22 – January 1