Parkland College Eligibility Policies and Procedures comply with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Documents providing evidence of disability must be presented to Accessibility Services and a confidential file established before academic accommodations may be approved and implemented. Reasonable accommodations are determined based on the current impact of the disability on academic performance.
The College reserves the right to modify documentation requirements to be consistent with current best practices in higher education. In general, our office strives to align with the principles and recommendations of the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD), the leading organization for post-secondary disability service providers.
Eligibility for accommodations at Parkland College is determined when students enroll and present their requests to Accessibility Services. Even if students have been granted accommodations at the high school or elementary school level, or at another college or university, their documentation must be evaluated for current college-level needs. Documentation must include a diagnosis and demonstrate the need for accommodations in the college setting. Students will also have the opportunity to meet with a specialist to discuss their needs. “The following documentation can be sufficient to establish that an enrolled or admitted student is a student with a disability:
Documentation that student has had an IEP.
Documentation that student has received services or accommodations under a 504 plan.
Documentation of a plan or record of service from a private school, LEA, State educational agency, or institution of higher education provided under a 504 plan.
Record or evaluation from relevant licensed professional finding that individual has a disability.
Plan or record of disability from another institution of higher education.
Documentation of disability due to military service.”
The Director of Counseling Services reserves the right to amend documentation requirements as appropriate on a case-by-case basis.
Temporary Impairments
Students with temporary impairments that impact their access to educational activities may need temporary adjustments. Students with temporary impairments that are very short-term (e.g. 2-3 weeks) should talk to their instructor for these adjustments. Students with temporary impairments that are more extensive and that substantially limit major life activities may be eligible for reasonable accommodations.These students are encouraged to contact Accessibility Services for evaluation for possible services that may allow the student to remain enrolled. These students will be asked to provide verification of their illness/injury and its impact on their ability to function in the college environment.
Provisional Accommodations
Provisional accommodations can be authorized when a student has a prior record of a disability but needs additional time to provide our office with updated disability documentation. Any such accommodations are courtesy arrangements, evaluated on a case-by-case basis for no more than one semester. The college is under no obligation to continue these accommodations if documentation standards are not met. Furthermore, the college is not obligated to continue any informal accommodations arranged/permitted by faculty without the approval of our office.
Parkland College considers disability documentation confidential information that does not become part of a student’s academic transcript. Disability documentation is released only in accordance with applicable state and federal laws and Parkland College policies and procedures.