Advising Support

This page shows you how to connect to many resources to support your academic success. It also provides information about academic recovery for students who would like to strengthen their GPA. This page is especially useful for students who are on academic warning, probation, dismissal, or suspension.

Academic Recovery: Where to Start

I need to meet with my Academic Success Advisor. How do I know who that is?
Academic Success Advisors are assigned based on your program of study. If you don’t remember who your advisor is, please email
How do I make an appointment with my Academic Success Advisor?
You can make an advising appointment appointment on our website: Some times of the year advisors are only available by walk-in meeting. For more information, email or call 217/351-2219.
My advisor and I will work together on an Academic Success Plan to prepare for the upcoming semester. Can I preview that document?
Yes! The document is linked from Academic Success Plan.
Where can I see if I have any past due balance or view my financial aid eligibility?
Log into Parkland Self-Service and click on Student Finance to see any tuition bill. For questions about Financial Aid, email
How can I see if my placements have expired? What if I need to reassess for new math, writing or reading placement?

From Parkland Self-Service, click on ‘Academics’ in the left column and ‘Test Summary’ to see if you have placements on file and that they are not expired. If you have questions about your current placement, you can email

What are my timelines for academic standing returns or appeals?

View the College Calendar to see when registration opens and classes begin. View the Academic Standing page to view deadlines to appeal or return from suspension or dismissal. 

Resources to Support Academic Skills

How can I improve my computer skills?

Parkland offers several free resources for building your computer skills:

How can I get help with my homework, papers and presentations?
I had a 504 or IEP in high school, or I have since been diagnosed with a disability. How can I ask about classroom accommodations in college?
Read about classroom accommodations on the Accessibility Services website and complete the intake form to initiate a meeting with one of their accessibility specialists.
What if I have no idea what career I want to pursue?
Complete career assessments and schedule a follow up appointment with Parkland’s Career Services.
How can I manage my time outside of class?
  • Purchase a planner or use the calendar on your smart phone. There are also many online planners to help you – for example: Notion.
  • Visit the Learning Commons for time management coaching.
  • Magic ToDo uses AI to break down tasks, and create a checklist for yourself (tagline: Breaking things down so you don’t).
  • Use Woodburn Press for student success tips (Login Learning Commons; Password ParklandLC).
I think I need a peer mentor. How can I match with one?
Parkland Peers is Parkland's peer mentoring program, where you can work with Parkland students just like you

Resources to Support Non-Academic Needs

Where can I get free food and supplies at Parkland?
  • The Wesley Food Pantry has weekly days/hours at Parkland.  Also, look for baskets of free snacks in most offices around campus.
  • The School Supplies Pantry is located on the second floor of the Learning Commons.
  • The Work Wardrobe will provide one free professional outfit for interviews or work.
  • The Wellness Center has vaccine clinics and other free health services.
What are my rights as a student? (Issues of discipline, absences, pregnancy)
The office of the Dean of Students supports students in understanding their rights and responsibilities in extenuating circumstances. You can also find answers to many questions in the Student Handbook.
How can I find a job or other sources of financial support for my classes?
  • Visit Help paying for College for information on grants, scholarships and more.
  • Apply for Financial Aid by completing the FAFSA form at
  • Visit Career Services for help with career exploration, job searching, revising your resume, or improving your LinkedIn account.
  • SWFT is a supportive scholarship program for selected short-term certification programs.
  • WIOA/Illinois WorkNet Center connects students to jobs, training programs, and resources.
How can I meet new people on campus?
Where can I talk to someone about my anxiety or mental health?
What other local services are available?
211: Champaign-Urbana resources for housing, food, income support and more.