Release of Student Information

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

1. What is FERPA?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, also known as the Buckley Amendment, helps protect the privacy of student records. The Act provides for the right to inspect and review education records, the right to seek to amend those records and to limit disclosure of information from the records. The Act applies to all institutions that are the recipients of federal funding.

2. Who is protected by FERPA?
If you are an applicant to Parkland but have never enrolled, then FERPA does not apply to you.

  • If you are currently enrolled at Parkland, or were formerly enrolled regardless of your age or status regarding dependency you are protected by the law.

3. What are educational records?
Those records, files, documents and other materials which contain information directly related to a student and maintained by Parkland College or by someone acting for the College.
Educational Records don’t include records of instructional, supervisory and administrative personnel who are in sole possession of records that are not accessible or revealed to any other individual.

4. What documents can be removed from an educational record before you view your record?

  • Any information that pertains to another student.
  • Your parent’s financial records.
  • Some confidential letters and statements of recommendation described in the law.

5. Who is entitled to your information?

  • You or any outside party who has your written consent.
  • Parkland officials who have “legitimate educational interests" as defined in the law.
  • A judicial order of subpoena which allows the institution to release the records without your consent.

6. What information can be released without your consent?
Parkland’s definition of “directory information” includes your name, address, email address, telephone number, major field of study, participation in recognized activities and sports (weight and height), dates of attendance, enrollment status (i.e. full/part-time, freshman/sophomore level), photo ID picture, degrees and awards received and previous educational agencies or institutions attended.

7. When can we release information without your consent?

  • to Parkland officials
  • to schools in which you seek to enroll
  • to Federal, State and local authorities involving an audit or evaluation of compliance with education programs
  • in connection with financial aid
  • to organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of education institutions
  • to accrediting organizations
  • to comply with a judicial order or subpoena
  • if there is a health or safety emergency (given by Parkland Public Safety)
  • directory information
  • results of a disciplinary hearing to an alleged victim of a crime of violence

8. When do we need your consent to disclose personally identifiable information from your education records?
Except for specific exceptions listed above, you must provide a signed and dated consent before information will be disclosed.

  • Your written consent must:
    • specify the records that may be disclosed
    • state the purpose of the disclosure
    • identify the party or class of party to whom the disclosure may be made
    If you would like to give someone else access to your information, please complete the Permissions to Release form.

9. May I view my educational record?
Yes. Under FERPA guidelines Parkland must make your records available to you within 45 days of receipt of a written request. We will provide access for inspection and review within a reasonable length of time after we receive your request. You do not have the right to inspect items mention as not being a part of the educational record in section 3 of this document. You can receive a copy of information in your file upon paying a charge of $1.00 per surface. We will not make copies of transcripts from other educational institutions.
Documents submitted by or for you in support of your application for admission become the property of Parkland College and will not be returned to you nor sent elsewhere.

10. May I challenge the content of the record?
Yes. As specified under the law, Parkland will provide enrolled or former students an opportunity for a hearing to challenge the contents of your educational record. Details for requesting a hearing may be obtained from the Office of Admissions and Records.

11. Can I keep information from being released?
Yes. Before the census day of the semester (10th class day of a regular semester) you can request that your information not be disclosed by the College. Caution should be made if you are seeking employment or want information to be provided to others checking on your status. This restriction prohibits us from discussing any information. For additional information please check with Admissions and Records.


  • DISCLOSURE - Permitting access or the release, transfer or communication of education records of the student of the personally identifiable information contained therein. Information may be given in writing, orally or electronically
  • EDUCATIONAL RECORD - Those records, files documents of other materials which contain information directly related to a student and are maintained my Parkland or a person acting for the college.
  • ELIGIBLE STUDENT - A student who has reached the age of 18 or is attending a postsecondary institution. The person must be attending or have attended the institution to be considered eligible under the law.
  • FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
  • FINANCIAL AID - A payment of funds to an individual which is conditioned on the individual’s attendance at an educational agency or institution.
  • PRIVACY ACT - One provision of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act requires educational institutions to allow students who are currently enrolled to suppress certain information regarded as public directory information. Parkland defines public directory information as name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, major field of study, participation in recognized activities and sports (weight and height), dates of attendance, enrollment status (i.e. full/part-time, freshman/sophomore level), photo ID picture, degrees and awards received and previous educational agencies or institutions attended.
  • PUBLIC DIRECTORY INFORMATION - Only a student who is currently enrolled at Parkland College may suppress the above public information items by completing and submitting a Public Directory Information form prior to the second week of class (fifth day of class for summer sessions). Forms may be obtained from the Office of Admissions and Records in U214.
  • SCHOOL OFFICIALS - Those members of Parkland who act in the student’s educational interest within the limitations of their need to know. These may include faculty, administration, clerical and professional employees and other persons who manage student education record information.
  • STUDENT RECORDS - Educational records are maintained by the Office of Admissions and Records in U214. In accordance with the college policy and state and federal regulations, student records are maintained in a manner that protects the privacy of students and provides eligible students access to the information recorded.