Credit for Prior learning

Parkland College offers several options to earn credits for prior learning.  Students who have completed coursework at other regionally accredited institutions should submit their official transcript to Parkland for evaluation of transfer credits. 

Additionally, students may receive credit through the following methods:


Advanced Placement Scores (AP) In some cases you can earn course credit by taking tests both from high school and at the college level.
 AP Test  Score of 3  Score of 4      Score of 5     
 Art History  ART 165  ART 161  ART 161
 Biology    BIO 100  BIO 141  BIO 141
 Calculus AB  MAT 143  MAT 128  MAT 128
 Calculus BC  MAT 128  MAT 128/129  MAT 128/129
 Chemistry  CHE 100  CHE 141  CHE 141
 Chinese  None  None  None
 Computer Science A  CSC 105  CIS 122  CIS 122
 Computer Science Principles
 CIS 112  CIS 112  CIS 112
 Economics, Macro  ECO 101
ECO 101
ECO 101
 Economics, Micro  ECO 102
ECO 102
ECO 102
 English Language/Composition  ENG 115  ENG 101  ENG 101
 English Literature/Composition  ENG 115
 ENG 101 &
 LIT 127
ENG 101 &
  LIT 127
 Environmental Science  BIO 100  BIO 104  BIO 104
 French Language and Culture   FRE 101  FRE 101  FRE 101
 German Language and Culture  None  None None
 Government, Comparative  
 None  None
 Government, United States    POS 122  POS 122  POS 122
 History, European  HIS 289  HIS 102  HIS 102
 History, United States  HIS 289  HIS 105  HIS 105
 History, World  HIS 289  HIS 108  HIS 108
 Human Geography  GEO 140  GEO 140  GEO 140
 Italian Language/Culture  ITA 101  ITA 101  ITA 101
 Japanese Language/Culture  None  None  None
 Latin    None  None  None
 Music Theory  MUS 100  MUS 100  MUS 101
 Physics 1  PHY 120  PHY 121  PHY 121
 Physics 2  PHY 120  PHY 122  PHY 122
 Physics C, Electricity, Magnetism  PHY 120  PHY 141  PHY 142
 Physics C, Mechanics    PHY 120  PHY 141  PHY 141
 Precalculus  MAT 124  MAT 124/125  MAT 124/125
 Psychology  PSY 289  PSY 101  PSY 101
 Spanish Language  SPA 102  SPA 104  SPA 104
 Spanish Literature  SPA 102  SPA 104  SPA 104
 Statistics  MAT 160  MAT 160  MAT 160
 Studio Art, 2D Design  ART 165  ART 121  ART 121
 Studio Art, 3D Design  ART 165  ART 124  ART 124
 Studio Art, Drawing  ART 165  ART 122  ART 122

AP Seminar--course to be determined after review by Dean and Chair 

Note: Parkland College does not give academic credit for AP scores below 3.

Updated July 2024

International Baccalaureate Credit (IB) Updated July 2024

IB Test
One-Three Four Five Six Seven
Language and Literature
Language A HL
ENG 101
ENG 101
ENG 101
ENG 101
Language A SL 
ENG 115
ENG 115
ENG 115
ENG 115
Literature B HL
ENG 101
ENG 101
ENG 101
ENG 101
Literature B SL
ENG 115
ENG 115
ENG 115
ENG 115
Literature and Performance
LIT 120
LIT 120
LIT 120
LIT 120

Language Acquisition

Classical HL
Classical SL
None None None None None
Language B (advanced) HL
Third Semester
Third Semester
Fourth Semester
Fourth Semester
Language B (advanced) SL
None Second Semester
Second Semester
Second Semester
Third Semester
Language ab (beg) HL
First Semester
First Semester
First Semester
First Semester
Language ab (beg) SL
None First Semester
First Semester
First Semester
First Semester
Individuals and Societies

Anthropology HL
ANT 101
ANT 101
ANT 101
ANT 101
Anthropology SL
ANT 289
ANT 289
ANT 289
ANT 289
Business Management HL
BUS 101
BUS 101
BUS 101
BUS 101
Business Management SL
BUS 101
BUS 101
BUS 101
BUS 101
Economics HL
ECO 101
ECO 101
ECO 101
ECO 101
Economics SL
ECO 101
ECO 101
ECO 101
ECO 101
Geography HL
GEO 140
GEO 140
GEO 140
GEO 140
Geography SL
GEO 140
GEO 140
GEO 140
GEO 140
Global Politics HL  
POS 202
POS 202
POS 202
POS 202
Global Politics SL
POS 202
POS 202
POS 202
POS 202
History HL  
HIS 108
HIS 108
HIS 108
HIS 108
History SL
HIS 289
HIS 289
HIS 289
HIS 108
Info Tech HL
CIS 112
CIS 112
CIS 112
CIS 112
Info Tech SL
CIS 112
CIS 112
CIS 112
CIS 112
Philosophy HL
PHI 103
PHI 103
PHI 103
PHI 103
Philosophy SL
PHI 100
PHI 100
PHI 100
PHI 100
Psychology HL
PSY 101
PSY 101
PSY 101
PSY 101
Psychology SL  
PSY 289
PSY 289
PSY 289
PSY 101
World Religions HL
World Religions SL


Biology HL
BIO 101
BIO 101
BIO 141
BIO 141
Biology SL
BIO 100
BIO 100
BIO 100
BIO 101
Chemistry HL
CHE 100
CHE 100
CHE 141
CHE 141
Chemistry SL
CHE 100
CHE 100
CHE 100
CHE 100
Environmental Systems HL  
BIO 104
BIO 104
BIO 104
BIO 104
Environmental Systems SL
None BIO 100
BIO 100
BIO 100
BIO 100
Physics HL
None PHY 120
PHY 120
PHY 141
PHY 141
Physics SL
None PHY 120
PHY 120
PHY 120
PHY 120
Dance None None None None None
Film None THE 124
THE 124
THE 124
THE 124
Music None MUS 100
MUS 100
MUS 100
MUS 100
THE 100
THE 100
THE 100
THE 100
Visual Arts
ART 165
ART 165
ART 165
ART 165
Mathematical Studies SL
None  MAT 107
 MAT 107
 MAT 107
 MAT 107
Mathematics HL
 MAT 107
 MAT 107
 MAT 107
MAT 107
Mathematics SL
None  MAT 107
 MAT 107
 MAT 107
 MAT 107
Further Mathematics HL
None  MAT 107
 MAT 107
 MAT 107
 MAT 107

Updated July 2024

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) CLEP is a national credit-by-examination program that offers an individual the opportunity to obtain recognition for college level achievement.

Through CLEP, a person can demonstrate knowledge that merits academic credit. On-the-job experience, military training, personal reading, correspondence courses, or telecourses are some of the sources that can prepare an individual to earn college credit. 

Each educational institution determines its own policy regarding which CLEP tests it accepts, the minimum scores required to earn credit, and the amount of credit awarded. Individuals interested in participating in CLEP should find out about the acceptability of credits earned through CLEP at a particular college or university before taking a CLEP test. 

Parkland College accepts  CLEP scores of 50 or higher in the following exams for proficiency credit in selected courses:

CLEP Exam                                                                                    Course Credit

Introductory Psychology............................................................PSY 101

Introductory Sociology...............................................................SOC 101

Principles of Macroeconomics...................................................ECO 101

Principles of Microeconomics....................................................ECO 102

Western Civilization I...................................................................HIS 101

Western Civilization II..................................................................HIS 102

History of the U.S. I.......................................................................HIS 104

History of the U.S. II......................................................................HIS 105

College Composition Modular plus a written exam 

evaluated as satisfactory by Parkland College faulty.................ENG 101

Please see  Professional Testing for further information.

Credit by Proficiency

Credit by Examination Earn credit for a specific course by demonstrating mastery of the course’s knowledge and skills through a proficiency examination.

Request a proficiency exam by submitting the Petition for Credit by Examination form to the appropriate department chair. A separate petition is needed for each course where proficiency credit is requested.

If the department chair determines that the student is eligible and a proficiency examination is appropriate, the student will pay the required fee at the Business Office. The department chair will make arrangements for scheduling and grading the proficiency examination. After the examination, the division dean will approve or deny the petition based on the results of the exam. 

Proficiency credit is counted towards graduation and is recorded on transcripts as a "P". Generally, proficiency credit can fulfill a maximum of 25 percent of a degree or certificate's graduation requirements. However, in certain career-oriented programs, it may fulfill up to 50 percent of a degree or certificate's graduation requirements. Contact the appropriate division dean for information about these exceptions. Proficiency credit is not included in a student's grade point average and does not count towards hours for determining a student's full-time status.

Licensure/Industry-Recognized Certifications Some career programs accept licensure and industry-recognized certifications in place of a proficiency exam.

Students seeking credit based on existing licensure should submit the Petition for Credit by Examination form to the appropriate department chair. The same procedures are followed as above for a Credit by Examination request, except that the department chair will consult with the division dean to determine whether the licensure or certification was obtained in a structured, organized setting and is equivalent to the major components of the Parkland course. If so, the requirement of a proficiency exam is waived (through a proficiency fee may still apply).

Military Training Certain forms of military training are equivalent to college-level learning.

Students should submit documentation of military training (Joint Services Transcript (JST) or transcript from the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF)) to to evaluation.

The Admissions and Records office will evaluate military course work as general elective (not GECC) credit or occupational elective credit based on the American Council of Education recommendation. 

Students interested in direct course equivalency for military training should follow the procedure for proficiency credit (Credit by Examination). The department chair may require a proficiency exam. The proficiency exam fee is waived for military personnel.


State Seal of Bi-Literacy The State Seal of Bi-literacy recognizes public high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in one or more languages in addition to English.

 House Bill 4330 requires that public universities in the State of Illinois accept the State Seal of Bi-literacy as equivalent to two years of foreign language coursework taken in high school and establish criteria for awarding equivalent course credit. 

In accordance with HB 4330, students are required to be enrolled at the public university or community college and be the ones to initiate the request for foreign language course credit. Credit is not processed automatically upon receipt of a high school transcript. The student must submit his or her request within 3 academic years of graduating from high school by bringing the actual document bearing the State Seal of Bi-literacy (whether the diploma or the transcript) to Admissions and Records (U214). Upon receipt of the document, college credit for the first two semesters of the language will be awarded.