What is a Academic Complaint (Not Related to Classroom Grading)
This is a complaint or concern related to Parkland faculty or courses that takes place in inside of the classroom environment. All complaints are documented for resolution and tracking purposes. Examples of Academic Complaints:
- My faculty does not respond to me in a timely manner.
- My class does not follow the syllabus.
- My faculty yells at the class every day.
Student Complaint Informal Procedure Regarding Academic Matters
1. Concerns should be first discussed with the faculty member.
2. If the student is not satisfied with the faculty member’s response or explanation, or if the student does not feel comfortable speaking with the faculty member, the student should complete the Assistance Request Form and/or meet with the department chair within twenty (20) school days after the occurrence that gave rise to the complaint.
3. The department chair or designated equivalent should hear the student’s concern and resolve it if it is a procedural or technical matter. If it is a personal or faculty member conflict matter, the chair should hear it out and then:
a. recommend that the student discuss it with the faculty member, if appropriate and not already discussed,
b. discuss the matter with the faculty member
(i) with the student present, if student so desires,
(ii) without the student present, if student so desires, or
(iii) after the semester grades are submitted, if the student fears that his or her grade may be jeopardized (this session may or may not include the student). Please be advised that waiting after the semester grades have been submitted may eliminate you from being able to engage in the formal student grievance process.
4. If the student is not satisfied with the department chair’s response or explanation, the student should see the division dean, who will review the complaint with the student and ask if the student has discussed the matter with the faculty member and department chair, if appropriate. The division dean will resolve the matter if it is a procedural or technical matter. If the matter is personal or a faculty member conflict, the division dean will discuss the matter with the faculty member and/or the department chair, as the student desires.
5. If the student is still not satisfied with the response, the student should follow the student grievance procedures (listed below). The student should note that utilizing the grade appeal process precludes the student from using the student grievance hearing process (and vice versa) for the same occurrence.
Students, faculty, and department chairs must know that any student complaint will be discussed with the faculty member and chair either at the time of the complaint or at the end of the term as the situation dictates.