Reaching Intellectual Success and Empowerment

RISE-LogoA FREE group for academic success support at Parkland College.

The goal of the RISE Scholars program is to support students that are the first in their family to attend college (first gen), and/or from lower socio-economic households through comprehensive and collaborative academic and social supports. This program is for incoming, full-time and part-time Parkland students.


The RISE First Year Experience and Student Leadership cohort can help you:

    • Make new friends while experiencing college life
    • Engage in a supportive and positive environment
    • Enhance social and emotional well-being
    • Learn from successful Parkland students, alums, and community members
    • Discover the best career choices based on your personality and other factors
    • Explore college studies and extracurricular activities while having fun on campus
  • GROW
    • Develop leadership, critical thinking, and more through unique opportunities
    • Coordinate with nurturing, dedicated faculty and staff
    • Write your own story at Parkland


RISE is open to May 2025 District 505 high school graduates from first-generation-college or low socioeconomic households. Freshmen registering for a minimum of 6 or more credit hours (including the RISE FYE 101 section) may also apply. Act soon; spaces are limited!

Getting Started

Ready to learn more about joining RISE? Fill out the interest form to get started.

Parent/Guardian Information

Your student will have our supportive RISE network guiding them towards their success!

  • RISE on-campus orientation, which will include a session to provide families with information on supporting the success of their student in college
  • Additional support during their first year of college through the First Year Experience class that they attend with other RISE students
  • Free academic support with the Learning Center’s tutors and writing center plus dedicated RISE study areas
  • Support through an assigned academic advisor plus a student peer mentor
  • Participation in the Student Life Leadership Academy for personal growth
  • Continuous support through their time at Parkland to achieve their academic goals 


Dr. Marietta Turner, Dean of Students
Room U242, 217/353-2048, deanofstudents@parkland.edu