Jaden Campbell

Student Trustee Jaden Campbell

Jaden Rakim Campbell, a native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was raised in Champaign. He graduated from Centennial High School in 2022.
Campbell’s life and work toward bettering his community began with his enrollment in Parkland College’s Social Work program, the first stop in his higher education journey. In his second year at Parkland, he took the opportunity to make an impact and advocate for change as the new Student Trustee for Parkland College, serving for the 2024-2025 academic year.
“It is my main interest and goal to better the lives of students at Parkland College by building a more socially cohesive campus amongst the student body,” Campbell says. He adds that being a student trustee will improve his own life as well. “My new role, built on the values of improving the world even at the smallest levels, gives me purpose to grow and excel as a person, as I navigate my life and the world around me.”