Partner with the Parkland College Foundation

At Parkland College, we believe that by working together, we can create educational and career pathways that empower students, strengthen the local workforce, and drive economic growth. Your support not only helps students achieve their academic goals but also fosters innovation, leadership, and success that benefit our entire community. Partnering with Parkland College goes beyond sponsorship—it’s an investment in the future. 


Partnership Option A 

Choose one of our partnership packages and be highlighted as a premier partner throughout campus and at all Parkland College Foundation events!  You will receive tickets and reserved seating for all Foundation events. These packages include additional benefits to engage with campus leadership, students and programs to benefit your organization.  

Premier Partnership levels are $15,000, $10,000 and $5,000.  

Partnership Option B 

Choose a signature sponsorship for one (or more) of our Parkland College Foundation events or programs.  Your selection will determine the specific benefits your organization will receive.  Click on each event or program below to learn more. 

Signature Sponsorship levels start at $500.    

V. Dale Cozad Entrepreneur of the Year Banquet

 June 5, 2025

The V. Dale Cozad Entrepreneur of the Year award is given to an individual who demonstrates the best traits of entrepreneurship. Click here for sponsorship opportunities

CobraVenture Pitch Showcase

May 19, 2025

Participants at the CobraVenture Pitch Showcase pitch their ideas for a viable business. Winning pitches earn "seed money" awards of up to $3,000. 

Women of Impact

June 24, 2025

This giving circle of diverse women at the Women of Impact event reviews applicants and awards scholarships to deserving Parkland women students. Click here for sponsorship opportunities.

Student Life and Wellness Center

Student Life and Wellness provides students with engagement opportunities, leadership development, and support services through personal, professional, and academic growth. Click here for sponsorship opportunities.

Creating Impact

The Creating Impact fund ensures Parkland College is better equipped to provide an excellent educational environment for students while also addressing the most urgent needs.

Athletic Hall of Fame

January 2026

Established in 2007, the Athletic Hall of Fame honors teams, coaches, players, and administrators each year.

How to Secure Your Sponsorship

All Community Partners making gifts of $500 or more are recognized as members of the President's Circle.

To discuss a partnership that aligns with your company's philanthropic goals contact Lesa Brandt, Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations at 217/351-2458 or