Planetarium Gift shop

You can find all of these items in our gift shop. Here is a link to the order form. Please note that all items are subject to availability and the list may change. Last updated, January 2024

Cosmic Blink postcard

Cosmic Blink postcard, $0.25









space pencil

space pencil, $0.25









mini star erasers

mini star erasers, two for $0.25









Earth eraser

Earth eraser, $0.50









slime bucket

mini slime bucket, $0.50









globe keychain

globe keychain, $0.50









galaxy stress ball

galaxy stress ball, $1.00









fireworks glasses

fireworks glasses, $1.00









Space Rocks popping candy

Space Rocks popping candy, $1.00









hi-bounce space ball

hi-bounce space ball, $2.00









eclipse shades

eclipse shades, $2.50









eclipse shades, reverse side










light-up yo-yo

light-up yo-yo, $2.50









inflatable globe

inflatable globe, $2.50









glow-in-the-dark stickers

glow-in-the-dark stickers, $2.50









magnetic wheel

magnetic wheel, $2.75









Earth pencil sharpener

Earth pencil sharpener, $2.75









Earth keychain

jewelry (necklaces, earrings, bracelets, keychains), $3.00

Not all options shown.








planetarium sticker sheet

planetarium sticker sheet, $4.00









astronaut ice cream

astronaut ice cream, $5.00

Flavors may vary.








color your own solar system kit

color your own solar system kit, $5.00









Cosmic Blink poster

Cosmic Blink poster, $10.00